Scoil Bhride in Clonee, Co. Meath decided to tackle its energy use
Scoil Bhride in Clonee, Co. Meath decided to tackle its energy use by undertaking a range of measures.
Scoil Bhride undertook a range of measures to tackle its energy use including an energy management programme and an energy action day for students.
An energy awareness programme was used to improve lighting control, better time scheduling of the heating system and improve temperature control within the school. It was estimated that no cost actions would achieve approximately 10% reduction in the school’s energy costs.
The project
Following a visit to the school, an SEAI Energy Advisor supplied a report detailing a range of energy saving opportunities.
Recommendations included:
- Set up an Energy Management Team and appoint energy champions
- Train staff/caretaker in energy management
- Operate an energy awareness programme in the school to include staff and students
- Write and display an energy policy
- Bring the findings of the assessors report to the attention of the Board of Management
- Read the electricity meter weekly
- Purchase a plug-in energy monitor
- Improve time scheduling of the boiler
- Install energy efficient lights and lighting controls
"We had a power free half hour from 12.00 to 12.30 where we turned off everything that needed electricity. All the children wore something yellow on the day. This helped to make the classrooms brighter when the lights were turned off! We all had a great day!"
Results and key achievements
An Energy Code Poster Competition was held in the school and the winning slogan “Do the Earth a favour, be an energy saver” is now included in the energy code for Scoil Bhride.
An Energy Action Day was also held and involved all classes in a range of activities from worksheets and crosswords to SEAI workshops. Fifth Class even composed and performed an energy rap.
Get involved
The Energy in Education programme offers a range of supports to help schools to improve energy management practices, reduce operating costs and protect the environment.
Sign up for a free training course to find out how you could save money by better managing your school’s energy use.
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