Scoil Eoin Phóil II Naofa aims to save on energy costs
Scoil Eoin Phóil II Naofa, in Tullamore, County Offaly, decided to become more energy efficient and save costs.
When the primary school became involved in SEAI's Energy in Education Programme, they were already energy conscious and had various measures in place to increase energy efficiency.
The project
The SEAI Energy Adviser assisted the school in identifying a range of opportunities during the energy assessment. This was provided through the Energy in Education Programme.
The recommendations included:
- Promote energy efficient practices and energy awareness amongst staff
- Adjust time clocks to minimise heating running hours
- Adjust the door self-closers to close external doors for heat retention
- Replace T12 florescent lamps with more energy efficient T5 lights
- Install light sensors in toilets and corridors
- Integration of radiators off main heating supply to replace electric storage heating
- Upgrade attic and wall insulation
- Fit draft proofing where necessary
"The SEAI review of energy usage in our school has been a very useful way of analysing methods of saving money for our school. It has given us practical ways of reducing our heat and electricity bills and also bigger ideas to be considered over a longer period of time that could benefit the future of the school in terms of energy usage. It has been a really beneficial and worthwhile experience."
- €8,000 annual energy spend calculated
- 32% estimated energy savings identified
- Potential to significantly reduce carbon footprint
Get involved
The Energy in Education programme offers a range of supports to help schools to improve energy management practices, reduce operating costs and protect the environment.
Sign up for a free training course to find out how you could save money by better managing your school’s energy use.
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